steel and other metals and materials in accordance with the requirements
herein. Style A-machines shall be manual data input (MDI) machines with two
axes simultaneous control; style B machines shall be computer numerically
controlled machines (CNC) with MDI capabilities and three, four or five axes
simultaneous control.
Type I machines shall be of single column construc-
tion; type 11 machines shall be of double column construction. The machine
shall include all components, parts, and features necessary to meet the per-
All parts subject to wear, break-
formance requirements specified herein.
age, or distortion shall be accessible for adjustment, replacement, and
3.1.1 Measuring systems. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2,1), either
the U.S. Customary System of Units (US) or the International System of Units
(SI) shall be used in the design and construction of the machine. When only
one system of measurements is acceptable, the particular system required
shall be as specified (see 6.2.1). In this specification, all measurements,
dimensions, sizes, and capacities are given in US units. These measurements
may be converted to SI units through the use of the conversion factors and
methods specified in FED-STD-376. Measuring and indicating device calibrations.
Unless otherwise
specified (see 6.2.1), either the U.S. Customary System of Units (US) or the
International System of Units (SI) shall be used to graduate measuring and
indicating devices such as scales, depth stops, carriage stops, dial indica-
tors, pressure gauges, temperature indicators, and other similar devices.
When only one system of graduation is acceptable, the particular graduation
required shall be as specified (see 6.2.1).
Regardless of the measurement
system used, all measuring and indicating devices on the machine shall be
graduated in the same system. All feed dials shall have independent zero
adjustments , and dials shall be calibrated in such a manner that the last
dial graduation progresses into and is continuous with the first dial gradu-
ation as the dial is rotated through the zero position.
3.1.2 Reclaimed materials.
The machine may contain reclaimed materials
provided such materials will not jeopardize the machine's intended use or
The reclaimed materials shall have been reprocessed, remanu-
factured, or recycled in a manner which will restore them to the same chemi-
cal composition and physical properties as the materials originally selected
for use on the machine.
3.1.3 Energy efficiency.
The machine and all its applicable components
that directly consume energy in normal operation shall be designed and con-
structed for the highest degree of energy efficiency as governed by the
latest developments available within the industry.
3.1.4 Operating controls. All operating controls necessary for manual or
NC operation of the machine shall be mounted on either a control console or
pendant stand clearly identified to facilitate its use. Voltage and current
meters, indicator lights, and all other operational control aids shall be
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